tirsdag, januar 26, 2010


Today was a good day. I was with my friends after school and we played Zelda; The twilight princess! I really love the game. I'm maybe playing it again tomorrow!
I'm supposed to talk to my "savior" tomorrow, but I don't know if it will happen. No reason that is worth saying without exposing who "savoir" is. If i'm not talking to "savior", witch is now the new nickname, then I'm going to play Zelda again! I'm totaly going to play it in the weekend to!

This week, even though its not been that long yet, has been a good week. Its my dad's week. And thanks to my "savior" I'm not as angry at him as I was before. I have kinda blamed him for the divorce, but I understand he's happier now! We have alot of fun! And I really love my dad! Even though he can be REALLY irretating and ego sometimes, I wouldn't trade him for the world!

The voice inside my head is now almost gone, again thanks to my "savior"! Sometimes it gets loose and yells angry and depressing stuff into my mind, but then I calm down, and imagine savoirs voice telling me to imagine the voice as a litle fluffy, baby-pink pea, with a tiny voice. So it helps, but I still have these moments, where I get really depressed, and everything around me is wrong, and I get sad and feel lonly. I think I'm going to talk to savior about this the next time we find the time to talk.

I'm working really hard at school. My teacher told me I've improved and the fact that I've been working ALOT is showing! I'm really prowd!
And! Best of all!! I've lost 3 kilos! 3 KILOS! I go to the gym alot. Last week and the week before that I worked out 5 day a week, but then my mom said that I wasn't allowed to do that, because she worries about my knees and back. So now I work out 3 days a week. And I like it. When I work out I listen to music and just think. Its a really good way to get a grip of things!

Good night! <3

fredag, januar 15, 2010


2010 now. I've made it this far. I'm prowd of myself. I really hope this is going to be a good year. Even though it did not start no good. First x-mas and new year of the divorce. Fun, fun, fun! I cried on x-maseve. And guess what, aloms everyday after that. New years 'eve var fun! I was with my friends. And had so much fun! I could forget everything for just sec. And I want to thank the people that were there, because, they really help me getting trough the day. Thank you for beeing you, guys! <3

At the end of the year, I had a really hard time. I still have. But I've found my savior. I've gotten help. I wont say who it is or were I know the person from, but I know I don't regret a second on going to the person. I feel safe when I talk to the person. And I think talking with the person can really help me. I've talked with the person a few times now. And the next time we're going to do this meditation exercise. We're taking the voice in my head and putting it down in my big-toe! Its funny to think about, but I was warned! :)

I'm living in Knarvik now. Its okay. But quite lonly. I have nobody out here. On Myking I had alot of people. Here I have only a few. But it's okay, since I'll soon be going to high school. Its sad thinking about that I'm soon to be finish at LUS. I become really sad everytime I think about it. I love my class. And I just want to take everybody in my class and just send us back in time, just to be able to spend more time with them.

I'm fine. But sometimes I get this thoughts. I get really depressed. It just sucks.
But enough about me. How your new year? :D